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Recognize the Causes of Itchy Navel and How to Clean It

Navel itching may be because there are various things that are trapped in it. For example, germs, dirt, or fungus. If left unchecked, germs can develop. Furthermore, the belly button not only feels itchy but also has an infection. Navels that have infections are very likely to be inflamed, bleed easily even to the point of pus accompanied by an unpleasant odor. This condition can often be accompanied by pain around the navel.

Causes of Itchy Navel

There are many causes for itchy belly button. Here is a clearer review of the causes of itchy belly button.
  • Fungal infections

  • The fungus that might cause an navel infection is a type of Candida. Fungal infections occur easily in moist areas of the body. In addition to the navel, the area on the body that can be overgrown with this fungus is the armpit, groin, and groin area.
  • Bacterial infection

  • Besides mushrooms, the creatures that most enjoy inhabiting the navel are bacteria. No half-hearted, navel is home to 70 types of bacteria. These bacteria will flourish if your personal hygiene is bad. If this happens, it is not surprising if you experience an itchy navel. These bacteria will cause infection. In the end, it is not only the navel itching, but also pain can be accompanied by swelling in the area.
  • Just had surgery

  • After undergoing surgery around the abdomen, it is only natural that you experience a number of complaints, such as difficulty in moving or pain. Itching in the navel is also included as one of the postoperative complaints. But as the recovery progresses, generally itching complaints diminish.
  • Diabetes

  • People who have diabetes may have problems with the belly button. Because, people with high blood sugar generally have poor immune system, making it easy to get infections, including those due to fungus. No wonder diabetics often experience itchy belly button due to the growth of fungus.

Clean the navel regularly

Not only newborn belly button, adult belly button must be cleaned regularly to avoid itchy navel conditions. Actually, how to clean the navel for adults is the same as cleaning the navel in infants. The difference is, the baby's belly button still needs special attention when there is still a umbilical cord attached. If you are still confused, you can follow the following ways to clean the belly button, as a guide:
  • Washing hands

  • Wash your hands before cleaning the belly button. If the dirt on the hands attached to the navel, can cause infection in the area.
  • Clean the belly button

  • Use a wet cloth to clean the navel to the inside. Try to get all the dirt removed.
  • Don't pry

  • Avoid scraping the belly button too deep because it can cause sores and infections. After cleaning with a clean wet cloth, dry the area well.
  • Check for yourself

  • When cleaning the navel, try to check for yourself if there are abnormalities in the navel. Abnormalities can be in the form of smelly navel, reddish appearance, swelling in the surrounding skin, or even discharge from the navel.
Navel itching do not be ignored. Behind itching that seems trivial, it is very possible to develop into a serious disease. Immediately consult a doctor, especially if you feel a fever, navel and the skin looks reddish, or there are other complaints.


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