Some women often experience hardened nipples. This happens because the nerves in the nipple are able to react to stimulation, both physically and psychologically. Some causes that can make your nipples harden, including exciting thoughts, changes in temperature, or cloth on your clothes that rub against the nipples.
Both women and men have breasts, and in the breast there are mammary glands. However, only the mammary glands in women can produce milk for baby food sources.
Everyone's breast size is different. In fact, usually the size of the right and left breast in a person is also different. Similarly, the size and sensitivity of the nipple. One nipple can be larger than the other nipple. And some people can have nipples that are more sensitive, or less sensitive than most.
Causes of hard nipples
Sometimes, women experience problems in their breasts, especially in the nipples. The nipple is the area in the middle of the areola (the brown part), which has a hole in the center for milking. Nipples contain muscle fibers. When these muscle fibers contract, the nipples will harden. Various causes of hardened nipples, including:Ovulation or fertility
Ovulation in every woman is different. Surging estrogen levels during ovulation can cause your nipples to harden. Some things that indicate you are in ovulation, namely a change in the thickness of cervical fluid, the appearance of little spots on your underwear, cramps and pelvic pain, bloating, and increased libido or your passion.
During pregnancy, changes occur in your breasts. Hormones that surged up, can cause the nipples to harden. Not only do the nipples harden, when you are pregnant you may also experience breasts and areola that get bigger, darker areola, and breasts become more sensitive and sore.
Other causes of hardened nipples are PMS or premenstrual syndrome. When you are menstruating, your breasts become swollen and painful when pressed. When this PMS, nipples can also harden.
Sexual stimulation
Hardened nipples can be caused by sexual stimulation from your partner. And nipple stimulation, can make you reach orgasm, you know.
Temperature change.
When the air is cold, often the nipples harden. This happens because the nerves in the nipples are stimulated, this condition is similar to when we get goosebumps when dealing with cold air.
Allergic or sensitive
Sometimes the products we use in the breast, such as soap or lotion, can make the nipples harden. This is most likely due to an allergic reaction. Some symptoms that indicate the nipples harden due to allergies or irritation due to certain ingredients include redness, itching, rashes, and rough skin.
Perimenopause and menopause
There are so many changes that your body experiences during perimenopause and menopause. In both of these conditions, hardened nipples can occur, due to changes in your breasts.
Signs of Dangerous Change in the Breast
Hardened nipples are normal for any woman, if indeed they are caused by some of the causes described above. However, you also need to be careful if there are changes to the breast area, including the nipples. Some dangerous signs on the breast and nipple that you need to consider, namely:- Nipples and areola bleed, this condition may indicate breast cancer especially if there are other conditions such as a lump in the breast, the emergence of fluid or blood from the nipple, there are changes in the color and texture of the skin in the breast or around the nipple, the nipple is pulled in, and only happens to one nipple.
- Fester nipples that can indicate an infection in your breast.
- The nipples become thick and greenish discharge, due to mammary duct ectasia. This condition occurs due to infection and inflammation of the milk ducts behind the nipples, which are often experienced by women nearing menopause.
- The nipple has a breast abscess.
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